From spitting on a neighbour to attacking a photographer to urinating in a mop bucket, 2013 has been a colourful year for Justin Bieber.
And the singer continues to cultivate his bad boy image.
The 19-year-old was pictured at a strip club on Friday night in Houston, Texas, partying with a topless woman while allegedly 'shocking' strippers with his raunchy behaviour.
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Bad boy: Justin Bieber was pictured at a Texan strip club on Friday night, allegedly getting raunchy with the strippers
A rep for Justin declined MailOnline's request for comment.
A stripper at gentlemen's club V Live tweeted a series of messages about Justin allegedly getting touchy feely with her while
she danced.
'He touched my ass I almost fainted [sic],' @DiamondsR4ever tweeted on Saturday morning.
'I've Danced For A lot Of Celebrities And They Normally Don't Phase Me But Justin just Had Me In Shock ! [sic]' she added.
In pictures from the night, the pop star is seen standing shirtless with a friend, his trousers hanging around his thighs and his red underwear exposed.
The star was also seen talking to boxer Floyd Mayweather as a topless woman stood alongside them, covering her breasts with her arm.
The stripper posted a picture of a pile of one dollar bills on the floor, presumably from Justin and his entourage.
Paying customers: Justin and his entourage allegedly left wads of dollar bills for the strippers
Meanwhile, Justin uploaded a picture to Instagram on Friday showing him with striking blue eyes.
The brown-eyed singer is wearing coloured contacts in the image, and he clearly isn't too sure about the look.
'I look strange with blue eyes,' he captioned the image.
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