Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Justin Bieber's #1 Fan Piers Morgan Defends His Anne Frank Comment

Piers just LOVES the Biebs!

After defending Justin Bieber's outburst with the paparazzi, Piers Morgan has decided to publicly defend the little prince once again for his Anne Frank comment.
As we're sure you're well aware of by now, Justin visited the Anne Frank House this past weekend for an after-hours visit with some friends and his bodyguards. While he spent more than an hour touring the scene of horrific memories, he left his mark by writing "hopefully she would have been a belieber" in the guestbook.


Needless to say! Justin received intense backlash for his self-absorbed comment, but Piers emphasizes the silver-lining, tweeting:

I'm backing @justinbieber - again. He meant no offence, and has got the world's youth talking about Anne Frank. This is a good thing.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 15, 2013

I wonder how many of those mocking/abusing @justinbieber on here today have ever spent an hour at the Anne Frank House? Give him a break!
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 15, 2013

To all those @justinbieber fans wondering who Anne Frank is, buy her book and find out: amzn.to/XCBIvN
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 15, 2013

True, the younger crowd IS talking about Anne Frank now — way more than they would during a required reading assignment (unfortunately). And that is why the Anne Frank House defended Justin as well.
But still, though… we think Justin could have refreshed the conversation through a more appropriate method, but that's just us!

[Image via WENN.]

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