Thursday, January 3, 2013

Shameless Pastor Rapes 12-year-old Girl

A pastor, Alasco Sobowale, in Togodo Street, Temu Town Epe, Lagos State, has been arrested for raping his 12-year-old neighbour on the 15th of December.

Dailypost gathered that the 12-year-old victim who recently arrived Lagos from Imo state, only speaks Igbo Language.
The victim's aunt, Mrs. Ngozi Anjorin, disclosed that Pastor Sobowale carnally abused her after having lured her to the toilet.
"On that particular night, my children were in the room watching television but I couldn't find my niece. I kept on shouting her name but I got no answer. I then proceeded to the toilet which is detached from the building. I knocked on the door of the toilet and the pastor immediately ran out and I saw her inside the toilet. When I inquired of her what she was doing inside the toilet with the pastor, she said he lured her into the toilet and covered her mouth with his palm so she wouldn't scream. She said the pastor brought out his penis and forced it into her anus. She said he also put his penis in her vagina and when she discharged a particular fluid, he used a handkerchief to scoop it."
The rape victim was rushed down to Epe General Hospital. When tests were conducted on her, it was found that the victim's "vaginal hymen is no longer intact and bruises were observed in the anal region."
Doctor's report further revealed that there was sperm residue in the victim's private part and it was concluded that she had been sexually assaulted.
Neighbour claim the Pastor fled the compound for two days but was arrested by the Epe police division after a search party was conducted.
Reacting to the incident, some of his church members accused a six-year-old girl of bewitching the pastor and had her flogged and paraded.
"Sobowale is not actually the head pastor. His wife is the senior pastor of the church known as Okiki Imole. A few days after the incident, a six-year-old girl was branded a witch and accused of manipulating the pastor to commit the dastardly act. The poor girl was beaten up and paraded round the town. They said when the pastor was conducting deliverance for her; her spirit took over his body." A source disclosed.
The spokesperson for the state police command, Ngozi Braide, confirmed that the girl was raped, adding that the pastor has been released on bail because courts were not in session.
"The pastor is in charge of a white garment church in the area. He will be charged with sodomy….once courts resume, he will be charged," she assured.

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