
Sunday, September 8, 2013

10 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want To Sleep With You by @_Ceefour

Alan Harper of 2 and a Half Men famously said to Walden Schmidt, 'Walden, women reject me for a hundred different reasons, whiter teeth would make it 99.'

Whatever your game is, when you aren't getting the box, it could be a nightmare, a wonder that keeps you up at night wondering what it is you aren't doing right, or did wrong.
There is no textbook for understanding women, let alone understanding why they do the things they do, but here, yours might just fall into any of these categories and you might just be closer to understanding why she isn't letting you hit it.

I'm no professor at these things, I'm just largely opinionated about a lot of things, including women, but in the end, what do I even know eh?
1.    You are stuck in the friend zone
It could really be as simple as that, what would be sad is if you don't know it and you are steadily approaching the Legend Level in your Friend Zone Adventures, right about now, you are probably here (insert friend zone level 99 picture)
2.    She wants it to happen naturally
One of the keys to great sex is a great build up, and if you don't have the ability to plan a great build up like a maestro, then leave it to the hands of the chemistry between the both of you. She most likely wants to avoid all the pre and post coital awkwardness and thus is waiting for it to happen naturally, that is assuming she wants to sleep with you.
3.     You don't meet any standard she fantasizes about
From watching all the romantic movies on cable to dogged eared pages of Mills and Boon, women create a standard of the kind of guy they would give the box to. If you aren't getting it, you don't meet any of the standards they've set.
4.      You are immature and seem like the type who would kiss and tell
It sex was the best kept secret, if it was nothing to brag to your friends about, and all men maintained a code of silence after every lay, men would be getting it without a fuss. But then it isn't. And the fact that you'll go squealing to your buddies might just be what is stopping her from sleeping with you. I mean just look at Ray J.( he hit it fir…)
5.      She knows someone you slept with and she knows you scored a F
Every one has a big pen on social media, everyone talks big on their sex game. But like it or not women talk, and belong to circles where you wouldn't have imagined. Believe it or not, your report card is floating around somewhere. Munched BBM convos, random DM's, whispered gossips in between giggles and while you might be highly impressed with yourself, unfortunately she isn't with you.
6.       You still live at your parents
Doing it in your parents house is a turn off for most women. Or at your friends either. So if its not your pad she'll probably lose interest. And if you are going to suggest an hotel room, be careful there pretty boy, she could take it to mean a whole lot of things.
7.       She's lesbian
That explains it right? I mean all that attitude. She's gotta be gay.
8.       Look in the Mirror
Would you sleep with you? Sex hinges on attractiveness. And if you aren't blessed with a handsome face how do you ensure the entire package is made desirable. Do you smell well? Do you dress well? Does your breath make her want to lean closer?
9.       Fill in pls. lol X_X
10. She's saving it
That's another good one, she might be saving it for someone more deserving, and you really don't have to take it personal. You are certainly in another girls list of The One Who is Deserving. Chin up!
Copyright: @_Ceefour

Culled from

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