
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dudes, Seriously??!!

Ow! My eyes! It burns!… No, nothing entered it… Its seeing some ish dudes put on these days in the name of swag abi fashion (I’m not even sure anymore) that’s hurting my eyes…

First, it started with the matching colours…the shirts, the belt, with their shoes, then wristwatch and sunglasses, all colour-coded… Like c’mon, we know you guys know your colours, after all, you’re not in kindergarten… Puhleeze! You look like overgrown toddlers.

Second came the skinnys, which evolved to ‘super’ skinnys… Why da hell will we want to see your shape?… *puke* Right now, if you look at just the legs, you wouldn’t know if its a girl’s or a dude’s. Then the skinnys took a turn for the worse by coming in varieties of colours, light blue, purple, green, and my three most hated, orange, yellow, and pink…*smh* Are you guys serious? Wearing pink skinnys? Hmmm… Once upon a time, I thought that’s how we identified homos?!…hian!

And the third that assaults my sensibilities are the three-quaters called Carrots? ko Carots? (hope I spelt it well)… What was wrong with the three-quaters we had before? Ehn? That someone had to now put rubber inside the hem! Ok… Its not that its thaaat baaaad, its just that it really isn’t for everyone… Na by force to where am if e no fit you? *rme* Then if e finally fit you, how some dudes go come forget to rub cream on their ankles? They’ll now be looking like children of harmattan…tor, na una sabi o

I know some people will say I’m being judgmental, well, to such people I say ‘suck on it’… And if you fall into any category here, no hard feelings… I’m just a dude expressing my freedom of speech right…can I get an amen? Lol. Here's a link to some pictures of foreign men's fashion, because i sincerely don't know where nigerian boys learnt their dressings. Pictures of Men"s Fashion

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